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World news

“Getting in touch with the world is a good habit. And for keeping connections, it is necessary to read what is happening in our world presently.” All the countries have their international and national news channels. But viral content news website like AOCGU focus only on world’s important news. Producing and promoting news are two different things. How we do it?                                                                           With extensive technology and use of the internet, we at AOCGU keeps our sources open for 24 Hrs. Collecting information in depth without any manipulation is our first step. Then preparing article becomes our next step. And during promotion, we try our level best to let everyone know what is happening presently in the world. News Collection section:                                                         AOCGU’s world news collection includes Politics Economics, Business and cultural coverage. For sports, lifestyle and fashion, health fitness, entertainment and technical news we have different respective sections.                                                                                                                                               Local news:                                                                         AOCGU’s birth place is India. For our Indian readers, our coverage includes India’s local trending news under the category News India. At AOCGU, we promote the produced news to the people for their benefit of knowledge.

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Marvels Upcoming 5 Movies and Release Dates

Are you a crazy Marvel fan? Eager to know more about the upcoming Marvel Movies? Well then, this is the perfect place for you...

USA’s Unknown Secrets in World: Top 3

It is not generally the military secrets that the government keeps close and out of the reach of the common people. Moreover, keeping military...
civilization of earth

10 Powerful Civilization existed on earth

Civilization existed on earth We human beings are the superior creature. As well, we have been using our brains to deal with the problems and...

Cryptocurrency Banned by Supreme Court of India

The Indian Supreme Court on one petition against the crypto banking has put cryptocurrency owners in shock. However, the court did not grant a...

Sexiest Hottest Men: 2018’s Hollywood List

Finding 2018’s Top 5 sexiest hottest men in the world was a complete slog. Especially, while picking up the no 1. These 5 men...

Top 5 Hottest and Sexiest Women of the World

Selecting up the top 5 hottest and sexiest women of the world is a very tough task. Firstly, it is very hard to understand...

World Turtle Day

World Turtle Day 27 years ago, particularly in 1990 American Tortoise Rescue program started. Since then the organization has placed 4000 turtles and tortoises into...
game of thrones hacked

HBO Hacked: Game of Thrones episodes data leaked

Game of Thrones AOCG has learned that scripts of upcoming Game of Thrones episodes are online. Hackers who breached the company’s system has warned that...
The SS (Schutzstaffel) used this account to deposit money, gold, and jewels. Before slaughtering European Jews, SS deposited all in the account.

Facts of World War II, you don’t know

World War II World War II is the most destructive conflict ever occurred in history. It costs more money, damaged more property, and killed more...
catwalk fashion declaration

What Muslim Hijab is for? Muslim women’s proud OR a catwalk fashion declaration

Hijabs in New York Fashion Week Last season, September 2016 an Indonesian designer Anniesa Hasibuan, 30, made history. By featuring hijabs in New York Fashion...

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